On January 11, 2018, a presentation and a conference were held at the Russian Orthodox Cultural and Cultural Center on the Branly Embankment on the occasion of the special issue of FIGARO magazine
(Figaro), dedicated to the most European Russian city - the Russian Northern capital. This great event was another striking proof, despite the unfavorable political climate, of the unceasing interest of the French towards Russia, based on the centuries-old tradition of cultural ties between our countries. The event was organized by the French association CERCLE POUCHKINE and the newspaper FIGARO.
Head of the MIRACLES Association and co-founder of the charitable foundation KOVCHEG, Galina Naumova, took part in this event in collaboration with the Pushkin Circle (Сercle Pouchkinе), which brings together young French political scientists, lawyers, economists who sympathize with Russia and with the editorial of the journal Figaro hors série in the person of editor Michel de Jaeghere, his deputy Isabelle Schmitz and moderator from FIGARO Vincent Tremole de Villiers.
As the Russian ambassador in France, Aleksey Meshkov, who opened the conference, noticed, the history of St. Petersburg has been closely tied with the history of France for centuries. Enough to remind the names of architects Leblond, Wallen De La Motte, Montferrand, the sculptor Falcone, choreographer Marius Petipa and many others. Let's add the names of French writers, Alexandre Dumas, Honore de Balzac, Andre Gide, Louis Ferdinand Selin, Blaise Sandra, who glorified this city.
As a result of the Event the Union was born, and it has all the chances of continuing to exist, keeping in mind the success of the conference, also confirmed by those who the next day went on a trip to St. Petersburg organized by Figaro.
Российский благотворительный фонд содействия культурно-просветительским программам – Ковчег

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